Honey Dehydration

Honey Dehydration

Greater seasonal variations have created a demand for honey extractors to solve the problem of dehydrating bulk lots of honey cost-effectively. Current systems cost up to $100k and are overkill for most operations, hence Hunter Reilly decided to create a cost-effective honey dehumidifier that would fit into the budget of every extractor. We have trialled a prototype unit for the last two years and are happy with the cost-saving and reduced damage to honey of otherwise having to reheat and then dehumidify honey if it showed signs of fermentation. We have developed the unit with industry help and guidance from like-minded honey extraction operators and designed the machine with maximum flexibility so that should we discover better options they can easily be installed.

Please feel free to get in contact to place an order for the next run of units.

Could manuka honey solve superbug crisis?

Experts find trendy spread can help tackle deadly drug-resistant lung infection

  • Researchers found manuka honey can help treat Mycobacterium abscessus

  • £1,300-a-pot spread can kill drug-resistant bacteria when mixed with antibiotics

  • Aston University experts say the honey means lower doses of drugs are needed


After years of observation from the side lines Stu has put his hat in the ring and decided to pay it forward. The apiculture industry is at a critical point in its growth spurred by unprecedented growth from the manuka boom. However industry growth progressed so quickly there was no over arching industry system/body to take stock and perform checks and balances from a holistic perspective. The challenge is to create an industry that excites our global consumers and allows members to grow and thrive .

Industry Good Research

Innovation and research are key drivers for the growth of any industry, however research funding and resources are not always available.

Hunter Reilly regularly opens it’s doors for ideas to enter and as a result we meet many interesting people with huge ideas . Currently we are assisting ‘O’Beehave scientist Keryn Johnston to use some of our manuka to create and trial his new line of isolated honey protein products. Click on teh link below to visit ‘O’Beehave’s site and discover what could be a few world first pain relief products.

We believe Keryn is exploring a field of science that could lead to new fields of interest and a level of thinking not often comprehended by most beekeepers hence we are keen to see where his science goes…

Hunter Reilly on NZ Stamp Collection

New Zealand Post has released a new set of stamps in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the National Beekeepers' Association of New Zealand. (Now APINZ)
The Honey Bees stamp issue recognises the key role honey bees have had in New Zealand horticulture for more than 150 years .
The 70c stamp depicts the first step in making honey - the gathering of nectar - a task carried out by field bees which fly from flower to flower using their long tongues to extract nectar.
The $1.40 stamp shows field bees returning to the hive - where they empty the nectar from their sacs into the cells in the honeycomb nearest to the entrance.
The $1.90 stamp shows young worker house bees transferring nectar to the honey storage area inside the hive.
The $2.40 stamp shows, Stu Ferguson from Hunter Reilly Ltd removing the honey comb from the hives for inspection prior to harvesting the honey.
The five gummed stamps are also available as a collectable miniature sheet, as first day covers and in a special presentation pack.

Stu Ferguson Stu Ferguson


NZ Geographic recently asked several grass roots NZ Manuka Honey producers to share their experiences and thoughts on the Manuka industry

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